#8: Adding Timers
Series: A series for notes on learning Js
#8: Notes on Adding Timers
#8: Notes on Adding Timers
#7: Notes on Creating random numbers
#6: Notes on Rounding numbers
#5: Notes on Introduction to numbers
#4: Notes on String methods
#3: Notes on Refactoring a callback function
#2: Notes on Array methods
#1: Notes on Basic Array methods
Learning Js (notes)
Day3: plot a map with polygons
Day2: plot a map with lines
Day1: plot a map with points
Learning how to plot maps using ggplot2
How to ask RStudio to import our data
Como dizer ao RStudio para encontrar nossos arquivos de dados
A series of R Studio’s essential functions
Série de posts sobre funções essenciais no RStudio
Building this static site generator theme was the first time I used an Atomic (or Functional) CSS system like Tachyons. It’s a design system that provides very small (which means fast) CSS modules that you can use in your HTML.
Grid is the very first CSS module created specifically to solve the layout problems we’ve all been hacking our way around for as long as we’ve been making websites.
This theme has a form-to-email feature built in, thanks to the simple Formspree integration. All you need to activate the form is a valid recipient email address saved in the form front matter.