
This is a collection of Larissa’s publications.

Biliteracia e alfabetização em duas línguas: expandindo as relações entre L1 e L2

How to cite: LEMKE, C. E. ; CURY, L. S. ; FINGER, I. . Biliteracia e alfabetização em duas línguas: expandindo as relações entre L1 e L2. In: Limberger, Bernardo; Klein, Angela; Toassi, Pamela.. (Org.). Bilinguismo e leitura: contribuições de estudos psicolinguísticos para o ensino de línguas adicionais. 1ed.Campinas/SP: Pontes, 2023, v. , p. 27-54.

April 10, 2024

Two Languages in One Mind: Biliteracy, Speech Connectedness and Reading in 5th Grade Bilingual Children

This study examined the effects of bilingual education and simultaneous biliteracy on children’s levels of speech connectedness and reading in Portuguese and English. Thirty-two 5th graders completed oral production tasks and took reading fluency and comprehension tests in L1 and L2. Our results show that, in general, children show connectedness and reading scores which are correlated in the two languages, that is, the languages follow different, but related paths in the time point they were assessed. We conclude that simultaneous biliteracy, in the case of the participants of this research, is not detrimental to the outcomes of either language. On the contrary, it promotes the concomitant use of languages, which, in turn, seems to guarantee support for both languages, L1 and L2, in a bidirectional fashion. Keywords: biliteracy; bilingual education; bilingualism; speech connectedness, reading

November 30, 2023

A longitudinal investigation of connectedness and syntactic complexity in the written production of bilingual children during the COVID-19 pandemic

The present study aimed at investigating, in a longitudinal way, connectedness and syntactic complexity in written narratives in Portuguese (L1) and English (L2) produced by 5th and 6th grade children enrolled in a bilingual school. For the evaluation of connectedness (thought organization), we used the computational tool SpeechGraphs (MOTA et al., 2014, 2016, 2019); syntactic complexity was verified through the analysis of T-Units and the Subordination Index (HUNT, 1965). Children were asked to write narratives in both languages based on sequences of pictures twice, first in August 2020 and then in August 2021. The longitudinal analysis showed that children wrote more syntactically complex texts in Portuguese, their L1, in both phases of data collection. In addi-tion, they also wrote more connected narratives (long-range recurrence – LSC) and more syntactically complex texts in Portuguese in 2021, in comparison to 2020. With respect to their L2, however, no significant growth was perceived in the connectedness or complexity scores, which could also be interpreted as an effect of the pandemic on the development of students’ L2 writing, since children had significantly fewer opportunities to interact in English in online classes, which may have impacted their development of productive skills in their L2.KEYWORDS: Bilingualism. Written production. Connectedness. Syntactic com-plexity. Graph analysis.

November 23, 2023

A possível influência do PB (L1) na realização de sujeitos referenciais em inglês (L2)

O objetivo desta análise é discutir uma possível influência de traços da primeira língua (L1) na performance de uma segunda língua (L2) por falantes bilíngues sequenciais. Investigamos se graduandos em Letras: Português-Inglês, residentes do Rio de Janeiro, aceitariam sujeitos nulos de referência definida em inglês, uma possibilidade em português brasileiro (PB), mas não em inglês. Buscamos, então, os padrões sintáticos e os traços semânticos que ainda favorecem ou desfavorecem o sujeito nulo no PB, a fim de verificar se e como esse comportamento seria refletido na performance na L2 por meio de uma análise experimental de julgamento de gramaticalidade. Imaginávamos que nos contextos estruturais em que o PB ainda licencia e identifica nulos, nossos participantes teriam maior dificuldade para identificar a ausência do pronome sujeito em inglês e que, nos contextos estruturais em que PB tende ao preenchimento, haveria maior percepção de nulos. Nossa análise dos resultados corrobora, em parte, nossa hipótese inicial. Concluímos com o entendimento de que a experiência bilíngue é dinâmica e que as duas línguas estão em constante interação na mente bilíngue. Palavras-chave: Parâmetro do Sujeito Nulo, sujeitos de referência definida, aquisição de segunda língua (SLA), inglês como segunda língua (ESL), bilinguismo

May 15, 2022