#3: Refactoring a callback function
#3: Notes on Refactoring a callback function
By Larissa Cury in R
April 30, 2023
Shall we start with notes on Refactoring a callback function ?
Aim: Rewrite the same callbackfn separately and pass it as an argument to others callback functions
Ps: Notes based on Jonas Schmedtmann’s course on Udemy – No credits intended
#1: .filter(), .some() and .every()
// Create arrays:
const countriesSpelled = ['B','r','a','z','i','l']
const countries = ['Brazil', 'Denmark', 'USA', 'Italy', 'Colombia', 'Argentina']
const countriesPOP = [214.3, 5.857, 331.9, 59.11, 51.52, 45.81] // in milions of people
// Create a function to return only populations above 200 milion:
const isBiggerThan200 = pop => pop > 200;
// In Use:
// Filter:
console.log(countriesPOP.filter(isBiggerThan200)); // [214.3, 331.9]
// Some:
console.log(countriesPOP.some(isBiggerThan200)); // T
// Every:
console.log(countriesPOP.every(isBiggerThan200)); // F
🐕 Au-au! This is a good way to stick to DYI!